报告人:Hak-Jin Kim 教授,首尔国立大学
联系人:张昭 邮箱:zhaozhangcau@cau.edu.cn
Hak-Jin Kim博士任首尔国立大学农业与生命科学学院生物系统工程系精细农业专业教授,长期致力于智慧农业传感器和控制系统的开发。目前主要从事的研究包括:温室自动化水培养分管理系统的开发,采用GPS和传感器融合的自动农业车辆的路径生成和跟踪算法的实现,基于无人机进行作物生长状态的时空测绘等。
According to the development trend of the world's agricultural machinery technology, South Korea divides autonomous tractor technology into four levels of 1 to 4 standards: 1) automatic steering of tractors; 2) automatic driving of tractor; 3) tractor automatic operation; 4) tractor fully intelligent unmanned automatic operation. As South Korea has successfully developed the High Precision Measurement System, self-driving tractor technology was developed. The research is moving into the second phase, path planning for autonomous driving. To enhance the performance of fully automated navigation of the autonomous tractor system, researchers developed an entry-exit planner for an autonomous tractor operating in a paddy field using the A* algorithm. A complete paddy field-coverage path planner to implement boundary corner turning was developed. This presentation will explain these technologies in details and introduce different types of auto-guiding technologies.