报告人:Chayan Kumer Saha
联系人:张昭 邮箱:zhaozhangcau@cau.edu.cn
报告人简介:Chayan Kumer Saha博士是孟加拉国农业大学农业动力与机械系教授,孟加拉国创新和适应气候智慧农业技术研究员。有24年研究经验,与美国、丹麦、德国、荷兰、印度、柬埔寨、尼泊尔等国际研究机构合作,担任不同国家和国际项目PI、Co-PI、副主任、研究协调员。担任促进孟加拉国可持续农业机械化“适当规模机械化创新中心(ASMIH) -孟加拉国”项目的联合负责人,同时是“收获减损创新实验室(PHLIL) -孟加拉国”项目的研究协调员。该教授为BAU-STR烘干机、基于物联网的HortiCool存储和太阳能混合蔬果烘干机、基于物联网的太阳能泵滴灌系统做出重大创新。获得2019年、2020年和2022年孟加拉国农业大学研究系统( BAURES )颁发的杰出全球研究影响力奖。他是联合国粮农组织-罗马办事处循环生物经济技术咨询小组(TAG)成员,负责编写畜牧生产系统循环生物经济指南,发表著作一本、同行评议文章85余篇、学术论文82篇。
报告内容简介:Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing landscapes-cropland, livestock, forests and fisheries--that address the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change. It is a method of action that helps guide the transformation of the agricultural food system to green and climate-adaptive practices. It is a way to transform and reposition the agricultural system in support of food security in the new reality of climate change. The three pillars of CSA are: 1) sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes; 2) build resilience and adapt to climate change; 3) reduce and/or remove GHG emissions, where possible. Agriculture 4.0 that integrates a series of innovations in order to produce agricultural products. These innovations englobe precision farming, IoT and big data in order to achieve greater production efficiency. This presentation will explain these technologies in details.