
1)Buildings, climate change and the advantage of rural infrastructure vitalisation
2)Minimising Building Energy Consumption in Climate Change

发布日期:2019-09-09 浏览次数:

报告人:1)Geoff Levermore:英国曼城大学荣誉教授;2007年诺贝尔和平奖获得者(Climate Change)

2) David Hou Chi CHOW英国利物浦大学副教授



联系人:王洋 18310923982


Prof Geoff Levermore, Emeritus Professor of Manchester University, author of about 100 refereed journal papers, 44 invited papers and lectures and 25 book chapters and books. Investigator on grants worth £14.53m,  17 with UK Research Councils worth £12.75m, PI on 12 worth £2.27m. In 2007 he was one of the Lead Authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. Chair of the Task Group and editor of CIBSE Guide A Environmental Design, Chapter A2  External Design Data 1999, 2006 and 2013. From 2002 to 2009 he was Co-ordinator of Working Commission W108: ‘Impact of climate change on the built environment’ of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB). In 2010 he was awarded a CIBSE Silver Medal. He was Principal Investigator (PI) for EPSRC Scorchio (EP/E017398/1) which investigated the impact of climate change on vulnerable people and buildings. He was also PI for EPSRC COPSE (EP/F038178/1) which developed future weather years, based on the UKCP09 climate projections, for building simulation. COPSE also analysed the urban heat island effect for Manchester. Prof Levermore is still researching, analysing the urban heat island and its effects and giving lectures but on a part-time basis.


Geoff Levermore教授现为英国曼城大学荣誉教授,约100篇同行评审期刊论文作者,44篇邀请论文和邀请讲座,以及25本书籍章节和书籍作者。作为项目主持,获得项目资助金额为1453万英镑,其中17个项目由英国研究理事会资助,资助金额为 1275万英镑。其中12个项目作为项目首席科学家,资助金额为227万英镑。 2007年,他是政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的首席主要作者, 与阿尔·戈尔 Al Gore一起获得诺贝尔和平奖(特别是建筑与城市能耗等对climate change(气候变化)的重大贡献)。Levermore教授作为英国皇家建筑设备与环境工程师学会(CIBSE)任务组主席兼CIBSE指南A环境设计编辑,以及第A2章外部设计(1999,2006和2013年的数据)的主笔。2002年至2009年,他担任国际建筑与结构研究创新委员会(CIB)工作委员会W108:“气候变化对建筑环境的影响” 的共同协调员。2010年,他获得了CIBSE银质奖章。

他曾是英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC) Scorchio(EP / E017398 / 1)项目的首席科学家,负责研究气候变化对脆弱人群和建筑物的影响。他也是EPSRC COPSE((EP / F038178 / 1)项目的首席科学家,根据UKCP09的气候预测,来开发未来的天气年情况,以用于建筑模拟。COPSE项目还分析了曼彻斯特的城市热岛效应。目前Levermore教授仍在研究、分析城市热岛及其影响,并且兼任相关大学课程。









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