
信电号角系列学术报告:Programmable Process Structures (PPS): A unified modeling and simulation framework for complex process systems

发布日期:2023-10-13 浏览次数:

报告人: Monika Varga, PhD, senior researcher, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Animal Sciences

报告时间: 2023年10月16日 (周一) 09: 30-10: 00


联系人: 李霞 18811511062  邮箱:lixia2014@cau.edu.cn


Process model based support for long-term, large-scale planning of complex, advantageously circular process systems is in the forefront of up-to-date research to ensure the sustainable and resilient development.

Today, IT offers digitalized solutions for more and more sub-tasks of agricultural and environmental processes, such as

• sensor- and IoT-based intelligent data analysis to support local decisions;

• solutions, based on authentic data connections that help to coordinate supply chains (e.g. blockchain);

• detailed, field-specific dynamic models, describing causal relationships and balances of subsystems (e.g. SWAT, STICS, APSIM, etc.);

• building simplified (linear and static) models into exact optimization algorithms to assist large-scale, long-term planning (e.g. LCA, MILP).

However, the effective, integrated application of the listed methods to  overview of multi-sectoral and long-term dynamic processes remains a challenge. To support this, we need predictive coupling models with properly chosen detailedness, but still based on 'first principles' background , which are capable to take into account the non-linear, cause-and-effect interactions of underlying physical, chemical, biological, ecological and technological processes, determined by conservation laws.

The theoretical background, the methodological framework and the implementation of the recently consolidated methodology of Programmable Process Structures (PPS) will be explained. PPS, as a general modeling framework can be applied for the unified and coupled, dynamic simulation-based analysis, operation and planning of various complex process systems, from biological and ecological to agricultural, aquacultural and environmental processes. This will be followed by the short introduction of the formerly solved practical problems with the previous and recent version of PPS.

The actually used version, as well as its temporary user interface will be illustrated by an ongoing process model, combining a terrestrial fishpond with the surrounding plant-covered environment.

Finally, the actual tasks for the development of a combined RAS and hydroponic plant cultivation unit will be explained, according to the ongoing common work between MATE and CAU, in the framework of the actual bilateral Chinese-Hungarian project.






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